Thursday 11 December 2014

Family issues - questions and vocabulary

What family types do you know?
Who are members of a family?
What is a marriage? What is a divorce?
What are types of child custody? What do they mean?
What is a single parent family? Who are its members? What are problems of a single parent?
Who can adopt a child? What are conditions for an adoption?
What is a registered partnership? What rights does it secure to the partners?
  1. bring up
  2. children’s rights
  3. affinity
  4. engagement
  5. guardianship
  6. half-brother
  7. in-laws
  8. stepfamily
  9. widow
  10. great-grandfather
  11. niece
  12. foster parent
  13. brother-in-law
  14. consanguinity 

Proposal seeks to include right to adopt in registered partnership legislation - Reading

Proposal seeks to include right to adopt in registered partnership legislation

A The Green Party has recently brought forward a proposal to change legislation so that gay and lesbian individuals in the Czech Republic who live in a registered partnership would be able to adopt children. The proposal is based on an analysis by the Committee for Sexual Minorities. Within Europe, individual adoption for gays and lesbians in registered partnerships is legal in a number of countries, including Germany, Norway and the UK.

B Lucie Otahálová works for the Government Council for Human Rights, which has declared the current adoption law an act of discrimination against same sex couples who live in registered partnerships. She says: “Both married heterosexual couples and individuals of both orientations can adopt children. A person who enters a registered partnership is the only individual that is not legally able to adopt a child.”

C Psychologists have different opinions. Child psychologist Jaroslav Šturma opposes the proposed change in the adoption law. “The optimal model is the model of the family that is based on a relationship between a man and a woman. So I believe that such a law would be a wrong signal for the public.” But other psychologists cite research findings that paint a different picture. Dr. Hana Polašková, whose research activity includes work with families with lesbian partners, says the presence of parents of both sexes is not crucial to the welfare of a child. “The general assumption that children will necessarily do better being raised in the traditional family lacks empirical support. We can say that children are likely to do well in such a family environment that is characterized by an absence of conflict, where there is a high level of cooperation, where there is trust and a lot of warmth and care and so on.”

D Jarmila Kowolowská is bringing up two girls with her female partner. She believes that the argument a male role model is necessary to ensure the positive development of a child is not a strong one. “To me, this is actually the weakest argument against the adoption of kids in same sex couples. You have so many other people in your environment; it’s not just your father who represents a certain role. There are friends, other members of the family, teachers, people you meet when you exercise a certain hobby. There are so many people around us that I can’t see how our children would lack a male role model.”

E While the current proposal would not make it possible for homosexuals to jointly adopt a child, which they can legally do in EU countries such as Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands, it would at least provide a basis for gays and lesbians to live in a registered partnership and individually adopt children.

assumption – předpoklad
crucial – klíčový
oppose – být proti

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.

1 Psychologists’ opinions
2 Lucie Otáhalová’s opinion
3 Registered partners could individually adopt children
4 Kowolowská’s opinion
5 Registered partners might be able to adopt children according to The Green Party

2) Read the article and answer the questions.

       1 What is the article about?
2 Who is Lucie Otáhalová? What are her opinions?
3 What are psychologists’ opinions? Do you agree with them? Why?
4 What do you know about Jarmila Kowolowská?

3) Explain the following words.

1 registered partnership
2 adopt children
3 adoption law
4 bring up
5 jointly

4) Answer the following questions.

Who can adopt a child? What are conditions for an adoption? What is a registered partnership? What rights does it secure to the partners?

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