Monday 20 October 2014

School bullying is getting worse - text 5

School bullying is getting worse

A Bullying in Czech schools is “getting worse,” the Education Ministry admits, with almost one in two children a victim, and teachers who are also being targeted blame the ministry for lack of protection. “Bullying and violence in our schools is a serious problem,” said Education Ministry spokesman Tomáš Bouška, who defines bullying as “targeted and repeated physical and psychological attacks against individuals or groups of pupils who are for various reasons unable to defend themselves.” And Bouška believes the spread of technology has made it worse. “We have seen new forms of bullying, particularly through mobile phones and the Internet,” he said. “The situation is getting worse.” The problem is compounded by the lack of up-to-date figures from the Education Ministry, but the last comprehensive study by the ministry in 2005 revealed 40 percent of children have faced bullying at some point.

B A February report by the O2 Foundation and the Aisis Civic Association found at least 10 percent of children have been victims of cyber-bullying in the past six months alone, with 78 percent of the aggressors coming from the same class or school as the victim. “Cyber-bullying is likely to increase in the future along with children's growing computer literacy,” said Jana Udatná, manager of the 02 Foundation's “Minimization of Bullying” project.

C The most common method of abuse stems from mobile phone messages, which make up 68 percent of all technology-related bullying. Attacks also come in the form of instant-messaging programs and threatening e-mails, as well as on social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. Traditional forms of abuse classified as bullying are physical attacks, blackmailing, theft, damage to personal property, verbal insults, threats and humiliation. Bullying may also take on the form of sexual harassment and abuse.

D Teachers are not safe from bullying in schools either, according to the O2 Foundation. More than half of students have heard of a case involving the cyber-bullying of a teacher. Thirty-one percent of students have seen a video ridiculing a teacher, and 22 percent think taking photos of teachers was a good way of what they termed “getting back at them.”

E According to Helena Kolská, a police cadet who wrote a thesis titled “Bullying in Elementary Schools,” schools and parents are key to tackling the crisis. “It is necessary to have more discussion about the matter, for instance, in civics or relevant classes,” she said. “Furthermore, more attention should be paid to the children at home, so the parents know where and with whom their children spend their free time.”

comprehensive – komplexní
humiliation – ponížení
to stem – pramenit, pocházet
to tackle – zabránit
up-to-date figure – aktuální údaj

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.

1 Tomáš Bouška’s opinion
2 Methods of bullying
3 How to solve bullying
4 Report by the O2 Foundation
5 Bullied teachers

2) Read the article again and answer the questions.

1 What is the article about?
2 What is the definition of bullying by Tomáš Bouška?
3 What are methods of bullying?
4 How are teachers bullied?
5 How can we prevent bullying?

3) Explain the following words.

1 lack of protection
2 cyber-bullying
3 computer literacy
4 blackmailing
5 video ridiculing a teacher

4) Answer the following questions.

What is bullying? Who takes part in bullying? What are old and new forms of bullying? What can be caused by bullying?

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