Thursday 12 March 2015

Club Hanoi

Club Hanoi

A Club Hanoi is non-governmental non-profit organization uniting those who are interested in Vietnam – its culture, history and traditions – or in the life of Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic.
B Club Hanoi was founded as an informal organization by a group of former students of the Vietnamese studies at the Charles University in Prague. The organization was formally registered with the Czech Ministry of Interior on January 16th 2004. Since then the organization has been comprised of students and professionals in the field Vietnamese studies, as well as members of Vietnamese community or individuals interested in Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic or Europe joined the organization.
C Its mission is to promote Vietnamese culture and integration of Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic while emphasizing the preservation of cultural identity.
D The interaction between the Vietnamese minority and Czech majority is often complicated by the many differences between the Czech and Vietnamese cultures. The aim is therefore to take these differences and highlight their positive aspects and value for the society in the Czech Republic. In doing so, they want to affect the perception of the role and place of Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic. This community is often described as self-sufficient, hardworking and inconspicuous. However, its full cultural potential has yet to be recognized – Vietnamese traditions, literature, complex history or natural heritage remains to the majority of the Czech society unknown.
E Besides, raising awareness about Vietnam and Vietnamese culture, they also try to promote and support the principle of equal opportunities for Vietnamese living in the Czech Republic. The club seeks to increase participation of the Vietnamese community in the public life in the Czech Republic; it supports the independence of individuals in their own community and active participation on solving social issues of common interest.
F The members of the club believe that they can contribute in eliminating discrimination against Vietnamese community including the often mutual prejudices, communication and cultural barriers in the Czech Republic. This will be achieved by increasing access to information and by organizing common social and cultural Vietnamese-Czech events. Their goal is to positively affect change of attitudes and behaviour of particular groups in the Czech society – Vietnamese community, the general and professional public – in order to achieve a more open and stronger civil society.
awareness – povědomí
eliminating – vylučující
highlight – zvýraznit
inconspicuous – nenápadná
perception – vnímání
prejudice – předsudek
to promote – propagovat

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.

1 Mission of the club
2 Differences between our cultures
3 Eliminating discrimination
4 Foundation of the club
5 Participation of the Vietnamese community in the public life
6 Introduction

2) Read the article and answer the questions.

       1 What is the article about?
2 When, why and who founded the club?
3 What is Vietnamese community like?
4 How do the members want to eliminate discrimination?

3) Explain the following words.

1 non-governmental non-profit organization
2 majority
3 heritage
4 independence
5 behaviour

4) Answer the following questions.

What are typical problems of Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic? What do you know about their lifestyle? What other nationalities live and work in the Czech Republic?

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